Great news for the province if you’re looking to purchase used Electric Vehicles.
B.C. government will remove the PST on used zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) as part of their new incentives program for EVs, to help make the shift to the electric more affordable.
At TheGarage, we are fully prepared to service & look after all major brand EV cars. So if you have an EV that needs some love and upkeep, our team can help!
Effective February 23, 2022, used ZEVs are exempt from PST. The exemption applies to all motor dealer sales, as well as private sales of used ZEVs that have been driven for at least 6,000 kilometres.
Additionally, effective February 23, 2022, the passenger vehicle surtax threshold for ZEVs is increased to $75,000 from $55,000.
This change supports government’s CleanBC initiative.
Check out the BC Govt website for more info
Photo by Michael Fousert on Unsplash